We all want good customer service. Whether we are calling the local Farm Service Agency, buying chemicals from our cooperative’s agronomy center or ordering parts from our nearby machinery dealers
June 12, 2023: a day of glory. Or, if you’re like me — an educator trying to make numbers and literature somehow more appealing than a mysterious purple ice cream treat — a day of horror
Just like for humans, transitions cause stress for animals. For dairy animals, these types of adjustments aren’t just limited to what we call “transition cows” — calves also go...
What’s the saying . . . don’t let a good crisis go to waste? Unfortunately, crises happen in the dairy industry more than we’d like, and we learn something from each and every one
It’s hard to overstate Mexico’s importance to America’s dairy farmers. When I talk to dairy farmers, I always remind them that Mexico is our industry’s most important trading partner,...
While we love working with dairy cows, we can’t forget that the role of dairy farmers and those that support them is to provide nutritious milk and dairy products to the population. Expanding the...
Thanks to the outstanding expertise of staff scientists and educators, the Center for Dairy Research (CDR) has earned a reputation for world-class innovation
Without naming names, you can probably think of a sports team that’s been down on its luck recently (or longer). Fans or the media may give them a bit of a break
When global dairy export is discussed, the conversation often revolves around value and quality. More often than not, it is the availability of the product and its ability to meet regulatory
Now that silage harvest is finished in Iowa, it’s time to evaluate the corn and alfalfa quality in terms of digestibility, what it means for milk production, and even a comparison to past crop year...
Farmers and ranchers who are feeling the financial impacts of the current COVID-19 situation have been eagerly waiting for more details about the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)
Growing up as a breed convention attendee and competitor, I knew that the end of the school year didn’t mean the beginning of vacation, hanging by the pool, or even simply relaxing in front of the...